Use of terms
The National Disability Authority website provides examples of appropriate terms to use when describing, speaking or writing about people with disabilities and terms that are no longer in use.
Universal Design Guidelines for Home, Appendix C Terminology, pages 252-255 provides a list of commonly used design related terms.
- Centre for Excellence in Universal Design, National Disability Authority, (2012) (online). Buildings for Everyone: A Universal Design Approach. Pages 32-37. Available at (Accessed August 2018).
- Centre for Excellence in Universal Design, National Disability Authority, (2015) (online). Universal Guidelines for Homes in Ireland. Appendix C Terminology, pages 252-255. Available at (Accessed August 2018).
- Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, (2010) (online). Technical Guidance Document M Access and Use. Provides a list of standards. Available at:,24773,en.pdf. (Accessed August 2018).
- The Developmental Disabilities Resource Centre, (online). A Colorado USA based non-profit organization, provides a glossary of Developmental Disability Terms with an emphasis on Information Technology. USA based non-profit organization, provides a glossary of Developmental Disability Terms with an emphasis on Information Technology. Available at: (Accessed August 2018).
- ISO/IEC Guide 71 (2014), (online). Guide for addressing accessibility in standards. Pages 1-3. Available at: . (Accessed August 2018).
- National Disability Authority/Shared Space, (online). Shared Space, Shared Surfaces and Home Zones from a Universal Design Approach for the Urban Environment in Ireland. Explores contemporary national and international practices and thinking on Shared Spaces, Shared Surfaces and Home Zones and investigates these concepts from a Universal Design approach in the Irish urban environment. Glossary pages 176-177, Abbreviations page 178. Available at: (Accessed August 2018).
- National Standards Authority of Ireland, (online). A standard is a document that sets out requirements for a specific item, material, component, system or service, or describes in detail a particular method or procedure. The NSAI is Ireland’s National Standards body. A list of relevant standards and publications is provided at the back of Technical Guidance Document M Access and Use. Available at: (Accessed August 2018).