04 | Designing for Specific Circumstances
Designing for mental health
Understanding what the person with an enduring mental health difficulty is experiencing and the way in which the built environment impacts on their life is the key to identifying the types of interventions that will help to make that person’s home environment work well for them.
- Design Council, UK, (online). Designing good mental health into cities: the next frontier for urban design. Designing good mental health into cities: the next frontier for urban design. Design council article that looks at the way in which urban design can improve mental health. Available at: https://www.designcouncil.org.uk/news-opinion/designing-good-mental-health-cities-next-frontier-urban-design. (Accessed August 2018).
- O’Reilly, A., Whelan, E. and Dillon, I. (2016) (online) Design for Mental Health, Housing Design Guidelines, to promote independent living and mental health recovery. The guide takes a person centred and Universal Design approach and identifies ways in which homes can be designed to help overcome the barriers to independent living experienced by people diagnosed with certain mental health conditions Housing Agency, Health Services Executive. Available at: https://www.housingagency.ie/getattachment/79134c89-ba3c-4a6d-bae4-28560e2abe9a/Design-for-Mental-Health-Housing-Design-Guidelines.pdf. (Accessed August 2018).