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The site provides, from the perspective of a design practitioner, an overview and links to existing published legislation and guidance on designing to meet the needs of all.
This site supports the implementation of the National Housing Strategy for People with a Disability (NHSPWD) 2011 – 2016. The NHSPWD has been re-affirmed in the rebuilding Ireland Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness and extended to 2020, to continue to progress its aims to ensure access for people with disabilities to the full range of housing options which will allow them to live independently in their own homes and communities, where appropriate.
The site will be updated on a regular basis.
Housing Options

Existing Home
no building work required.

Existing Home
with minor alterations.

Existing Home
adapted or extended.

New Home
no building work required.

New Home
minor building works.

New Home
designed to meet the needs of person with a disability.