01 | Existing and New Homes
Engaging a design team

Under the Regulations governing safety, health and welfare at work, homeowners, including local authorities and Approved Housing Bodies, are obliged to ensure that construction work is carried out by competent people. A guide for homeowners (pdf) and some Frequently Asked Questions, are available on the website of the Health and Safety Authority.
The Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland, RIAI, https://www.riai.ie/ provides advice and guidance on engaging and working with an architect.
The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland, SCSI, https://www.scsi.ie/ provides advice and guidance on construction, land and property and will provide help in finding a surveyor.
The Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland, AOTI, https://www.aoti.ie/, provides information on the role of an occupational therapist and advice on accessing an occupational therapist in both the public and private sector.